Access Denied to Hyper Space Alien

To the George Noory Show at Coast To Coast AM


When I told Lisa Lyon the producer of the George Noory Show at Coast to Coast AM that I was an Extraterrestrial Hyper Space Alien she was very interested. But when she found out that I became so by the operation of Christ Jesus upon the Cosmos, her excitement changed to skepticism. After answering her questions of how I became a Hyper Space Alien, she said “you are just proselytizing.” I replied that I was just telling her what I had become and how.


I told her during her continued questioning of me that I would one day be able to travel to all the galaxies. She asked if I had been to the galaxies. And I replied that I had not but have power to go in the future. She then said, “Well call me when you get back, and I will put you on the show.” I replied, “Oh, I see, one cannot be a hyper space alien unless they have already been to the galaxies. This is incorrect. I will tell you what attribute I do have that justifies the title hyper space alien, and you determine if you have heard that expressed by any other person on your show. I then stated that I contained the galaxies in my body and do not need to go to the galaxies.” She then said, anybody can just make up some hyperbole and insist upon it. She later admitted that she had not heard anyone make that claim before.


At the end of her interview of me she had charged me with the above two flaws sufficient enough to exclude me from the George Noory show. The following evidence is offered showing that the George Noory show is almost exclusively dedicated to taking, firstly, Hyperbole to new frustrating levels that are virtually intolerable by the human mind. And secondly, that proselytizing is a continuous operation conducted by virtually every guest, including Christians and non-Christians, on the George Noory show. This evidence will be shown through the record of interviews of a few guests on the George Noory show after my interviews were declined.


Guest One – William Henry:

The following is as good as I could do in taking notes from this radio interview. The spelling of some names I am sure would not be correct but the best I can do.

Absolute Level One Henry “Mythological” Hyperbole:

On Wednesday night 1/29/03, William Henry spoke of many ideas concerning his "research" into mythology as a "mythologist." He spoke of his comparisons of Holy Scripture of the Bible and other ancient texts to including the following potentials that he develops:

1.      The entrance way or gateway to where the Son of God will appear.

2.      The concept that space travel technology was given to Christ by the Naboo from space.

3.      The Naboo or Annanocki had an extensive library somewhere under the sands of Iraq and it was lost.

4.      This is also called the secret library of Christ.

5.      These early space travelers knew something and it is starting to come out in this time period and will be addressed in Zecharia Sitchin’s book and Henry's book.

6.      This book may be called the Idiot's guide to Wormholes.

7.      You and Henry agreed that it would do mankind good to see the "space ports" rebuilt in the Sinai for the landing of the Annanocki to bring us technology to go to the stars and join them in space.

8.      Rebuild the space port in the Sinai, and unite the Arab world and all Humanity.

9.      Mr. Henry said he was going to take a "Mystical trip" in May into Ireland and France.

Absolute Level Two Henry “Mystical Trip” Hyperbole:

Then Mr. Henry spoke of his "Mystical Trip" and what he wanted to find on this trip:

1.      He wanted to go to the hill of Tara to look for the enlightenment based on physics. He expressed this physics as every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Therefore, he concluded, the opposite of Tara (which means love and compassion) is Terror.

2.      He said there was an egg shaped temple under hill of Tara in Ireland where the Annanocki had their gateway into the other world.

3.      Rings were symbol of gates to god. Mythology says that the leader of Annanocki came to earth to get the blue stones or the illuminati or shiny one.

4.      These stones make you into a shinny or illuminati. He also added that Zecharia Sitchin writes on this.

5.      This he called the Land of light or illuminati or the teaching center of the Annanocki in southern France

6.      The secret of the blue stones is spoken of in the great clump of grapes that the spies brought back to Moses from Palestine or land of the giants. These grapes were huge because they suck up this blue stoned soil.

7.      The blue stones are exotic matter, the material that makes possible the stargates and wormholes into different parts of space.

8.      Valley of grapes or blue stones are stolen and taken to Moses. People vanished who used them.

9.      Languadoe land of light. Joshua returns with secret science of Annanocki.

10.  The cluster of grapes was an incredible prize and was later placed in the arc, It was stolen by the Philistines and later Rescued and finally moved to Ireland on hill of Tara.

11.  The arc now contains the secrets of the blue apples.

12.  We think we will find the lab where the blue stones were processed to open the stargate and wormholes.

13.  This is the stuff of the gates to the other world. Egyptian mythology matches with Ireland and Arian Religion of Jesus or Auah versus the religion about Jesus which prevailed as Christianity instead of the real power of the Annanocki or the Brethren of the Languadoe or the pure.

14.  He hopes to find the Physical door into the egg shaped temple under the hill of Tara.

15.  Ancestors then moved from Ireland to Mobile Alabama and then to Nashville and built a small temple there and left.

16.  FDR began a search for holly grail.

17.  These people built a rod or antenna which was the scepter or rod to accompany the arc of the covenant.

18.  Madoc beings some of these blue stones with him in the Arc.

Absolute Level Three Henry “blue stone - Stargate” Hyperbole:

Can you take another level of this Hyperbole? Are you just about beyond what the human tolerance for Hyperbole can do? Then you asked Mr. Henry what will these blue stones do right now? He answered, transmute matter and people into beams of light capable of space travel. They knew how to use this material to alter the genetic code and travel by the stargate. Mr. Henry said that our modern scientists are now coming to a place where we can understand this new technology, which would include the following things:

1.      William said he hoped to model a machine that could process these blue stones by an accurate interpretation of the texts.

2.      He hoped to find the laboratory along with a pillar 45 - 90 foot tall antenna or rod with the form of the arc of the covenant.

3.      In Enoch this rod is called the tree of wisdom and acts an antenna and drills a hole in space to form a gateway or stargate.

4.      This wormhole was symbolized by a snake.

5.      The secrets of the blue stones and how to open up the worm holes allows humans to interact with exotic matter.

6.      This all is applicable to the apocalypse. The root word Apoc means "far away."

7.      The secrets of this apocalypse will lift the Vail of the secrets of space.

8.      Scientists can now make a honey comb eye called the tell-neutrinos to look for the blue stones of stars that go super nova. They have found some blue dots very far away and these are symbols that these gods dangle in front of us by the Annanocki.

9.      The materials in our own bodies do not come from our sun. The matter that composes our body comes from some where else.

10.  Also the material construction of the blue stones does not come from stuff from around here.

Absolute Level Four Henry Hyperbole:

This is about the final stage of Hyperbole that mankind has adventured into without the complete loss of all of his faculties and being wrapped in a straight jacket.


Then William Henry says the Gnostic depiction of the crucifixion shows the two figures of Caleb and Joshua with the huge cluster of grapes or the blue apples at the cross or stargate event. He made the following statements in regard to his notions:

1.      He said that this means the crucifixion was an opening into the gateways into other realms.

2.      He said these blue stones were capable of propulsion and healing.

3.      Mr. Henry said he was able to get one element of the blue stones isolated and it was stolen from his computer.

4.      He thought that he was remotely persuaded to pack it up and leave his computer in his car over night in an ice storm and his car was then broken into and his computer was stolen along with this blue stone stuff.

5.      He said these stones were the ultimate means of transformation for the human race.

6.      The Arc is in Israel or Ireland.

7.      He said the names of places in Bible are not necessarily so.

8.      He deducted that the Garden of Eden might have been in the Fertile Crescent or Kuwait, or Iraq, or in the Nashville Tennessee area where William Henry is from.

9.      He said archeologists have found the Stone sculpture of Adam and Eve with a space helmet which all came from around middle Tennessee.

10.  All the symbolism found on these artifacts in Tennessee illustrate that America was a part of Atlantis, or Samaria, India etc.


You asked what Mr. Henry would ask for if he could be given anything? Mr. Henry answered “wisdom like Solomon asked for.” You responded that you would like to see history to know if they had that kind of power or technology of space travel. You said you would love to see the landing pads and what they were like. You continued, it would be great to see those ruins so we could rebuild them to show the world how we could have a union of human beings and get beyond our petty conflicts.


Then you both got into the notion of "Planet X" in which there is supposed to be a planet that is "coming around again" which was once close to the earth where the Annanocki came from. You asked Mr. Henry where these space ships went that the Annanocki came in. If he answered it I don’t remember what he said at this point it was all insanity.


This is a posting taken directly from www.CoastToCoastAM.com as proof of Hyperbole and Proselytizing

Secrets of Planet X

Tonight's guest, William Henry, weaves a fascinating mixture of arcane knowledge and mythology to form his theories. In an article posted on his website, he ruminates on the coming of Planet X, which he says the Sumerians referred to as "The Lord." The planet was inhabited by what the Bible called the "Shining Ones," Henry says, and he speculates that these beings had access to mind boggling technologies. "They operated a (star) gateway linking Heaven and Earth. They genetically altered the human body…to operate in this gateway. …They could create weapons of mass destruction and advanced human beings," he writes.

Henry connects this stargate or wormhole with the "fiery furnace" of Solomon's
Temple written about in the Bible. Sumerian scholar Zecharia Sitchin has also analyzed depictions of what may be this temple/gateway. "Buried deep beneath the sands of Iraq are the secrets of the Shining Ones of Planet X," Henry writes, adding that he thinks Saddam is well aware of such treasures. The return of the roaming planet "centers on the recovery of a technology once housed at Solomon's Temple that is used to open a gateway linking Earth with far off regions of space," he continues. The possibility of war in this area "suggests that the world powers are jockeying for position as if the return of Planet X is imminent," he intriguingly concludes.


/shows/2003/01/29.html Wed 01.29 >>
William Henry is an investigative mythologist who searches ancient texts, images, and architecture for the secrets of spiritual vision that once formed a lost technology of the soul. He will be discussing the arrival of Planet X, and new information about the mysterious Hill of Tara in
Ireland. Website: williamhenry.net

Books he'll be discussing tonight: Cloak of the Illuminati Blue Apples


Guest Two – Hal Lindsey:

Mere Opinions:

Hal Lindsey came on Thursday night, 1/30/03, and I listened to him say the Bible does not speak of Armageddon as the last war but the beginning of many after which time Christ comes and reigns for 1000 years. You said you were raised as a Catholic. You said you thought the Jews were just poor at finding the man upstairs. But Hal said the Jews are OK now but once had that problem. Hal said he has been in the study of prophesy for 47 years. You asked him, why is that part of the world that critical to history. He said the last century was not that important. God predicted this would be the place where the great struggle would begin. Hal thought this to be Incredible. He said the world pasted it by but now it's back.

Absolute Christian Proselytizing and Opinion:

            You said, Hal, you haven’t been spiritual all your life have you, and he said no. Then you asked him what happened and he went in to his story of how he became a Christian. And Hal told his story of how he came to Christ by asking, what is the purpose of life. Hal said he was working on a tug boat on the Mississippi River out of New Orleans. He thought for a long time that his life was really great until he started to ask himself what the purpose of life was. He Visited churches and asked psychologists. He said he was given a Gideon's New Testament as a little kid and sometimes carried it as a rabbit's foot for good luck and finally read it, down below deck on the tugboat.

One night he said he was reading and realized that this wasn't about being a Catholic or Baptist, or Methodist etc. He asked God, if you are real; just show me how to find you. Then he read the book of John where Jesus is talking about being born again. Hal said he knew this wasn't about being physically born again but some kind of Spiritual birth. Then you asked him if this could be considered a reincarnation. And Hal said no it was more personal than that. Hal said he realized later that we are spiritually dead but physically alive before we are born again through Christ.

Hal said his response to reading this in John was laughter because people had always told him he had been born wrong. He continued that they must have been right on target. He said the following in his mind, I want to believe. He read a prayer in the back of the Gideon's Bible that also had a place to sign and date the time at which the person said the prayer of accepting Jesus in their heart as their savior. You asked if that was necessary and he replied that it was not necessary but the authors wanted a time for him to remember that he had made a definite decision. Hal said that after doing this, a deep sense of peace came over him that he could not explain but he wanted to read the Bible all the time and did. He said it began to make sense. He gradually realized that Jesus died in our place and gives us new spirit. That's how it all began in 1955.

Absolute Political Proselytizing:

Then Hal and you spent the next hour telling how it's OK for us to help Israel kick the Muslims all over the place. He gave this long story of how God had "miraculously" restored Israel. He made no mention of how we are involved and how we became unalterably hitched to Israel.


Conclusive evidence has been shown herein that proves that Ronald F. Avery the true Extraterrestrial Hyperspace Alien has been censored and denied access to millions of listeners that are seeking just such an alien on the George Noory Radio Show at Coast to Coast AM. The two reasons given for denial are absolutely ludicrous and hypocritical because Hyperbole and Proselytizing are the two trade marks of the George Noory Show and have been for many years including the Art Bell period that lasted more than a decade.


I tell you that I have developed a new theology and science that is based upon a system that is necessary for the scriptures to work. This is a system that the human being can experience and know is true to the point of resisting every form of falsehood that stands in its way, whether it be science so-called or mythology or opinion or hyperbole or an angel from heaven or an alien from a space ship. What I have discovered is true and knowable and transforms men and women into hyperspace alienees capable of eternal space travel to the galaxies. And no other means will ever be available to do this. Amen!




Ronald F. Avery