Rev. Ralph Charles Ablin February
14, 1939-August 13, 2012
Rev. Ralph Ablin of Seguin, Texas
passed away peacefully in his home in the company of his loving wife, Judy,
following their morning routine of devotions, song and prayer on Monday, August
13, 2012 at the age of 73.
Ralph was born in Aberdeen,
South Dakota on February 14, 1939 to Louis and Gena Ablin and grew up on the Ablin
family farm near Cresbard,
SD and in Aberdeen, SD
with two older brothers, Henry and Teddy, and a younger sister, Ruth. He left
home for Augusta College
in Sioux Falls, SD
in the fall of 1957 where he met his future wife, Judy Nordholm,
of Elbow Lake, Minnesota. He graduated from Augustana College on May 29, 1961, and married his college sweetheart on the following day at First Lutheran
Church in Elbow Lake, MN.
In the fall of 1961, Ralph entered Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN.
Then, while interning as a pastor in Fargo,
North Dakota, he and Judy
welcomed their first son, Charles Ralph, on July 2, 1964. Ralph graduated from
Luther Seminary in May of 1965 with a Master of Theology, and moved his growing
family to Comfort, Texas
where he served as Pastor of Emmanuel Lutheran Church, his first parish. While
in Comfort, Ralph and Judy welcomed their
second son, David Louis qn August 6, 1967.
In January of 1972,
the Ablin family moved from the tiny town of Comfort to the big city of San
Antonio where Ralph pastored Beitel
Memorial Lutheran
Church. While there, the Ablin family gained yet another member with the birth of Heather Carolyn on April 28, 1977. The
years at Beitel were some of Ralph’s fondest
years in ministry, so it was with some reluctance and prayerful consideration that he accepted the call to pastor Bathesda Lutheran Church
in Eugene, Oregon in March of 1980. Following the move
to Oregon, on
October 5, 1980, Ralph and Judy welcomed their youngest child, Christopher Nelson.
In the fall of 1984, Ralph followed the call of the Lord
to bring his family back to Texas and serve as
a nondenominational pastor, Ralph pastored
two small nondenominational fellowships, and eventually bought a home and
settled in San Antonio
in 1986. In addition to continuing ministry as a nondenominational pastor,
Ralph delivered Orowheat Bread for 7 years. During
this time, Ralph and Judy experienced the tragic loss of their youngest son,
Christopher, on March 17, 1987. It was a difficult time for the family and for
Ralph, but he never doubted his faith.
After taking a short break from the ministry, Ralph was
appointed as the pastor of Faith Community Church
in Seguin, TX in 1991. The following year, the Ablin family
moved to Seguin, Texas where they have resided since that time.
Over the next 20 years
Ralph and Judy experienced much joy as their family continued to expand
with the marriages of each of their children; David to Gabriela; Charles to
Jana; and Heather to Chet; and with the births of their seven grandchildren; Justin, Daniela, Alexander, Brianna, Serena,
Joshua, and Jake.
These years were not without their challenges however, and
perhaps the greatest of these challenges began in May of 2004 when Ralph
suffered a severe stroke that significantly
affected his ability to move the left side of his body, and to speak
clearly. Despite this tremendous obstacle, Ralph never lost his joy, as his
devoted wife and constant companion, Judy, took care of him and helped him to
continue their ministry. Ralph and Judy did not see Ralph’s disability as a
hindrance to their daily lives and continued to be active in church and the community. Their continued active lifestyle
included a trip to Jamaica
and a road trip to South Dakota
for Ralph’s high school reunion. And thankfully, Ralph and Judy were able to
celebrate the milestone of their 50th
wedding anniversary together, with family and friends in June of 2011.
While our hearts mourn the loss of Ralph, a wonderful
husband, father, pastor and friend, we find comfort in the knowledge that he is
now healed and whole. And we know that we
will meet him again one day in Heaven.
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